
Short updated

Just a short updated about my exam today,
today I'm having calculus and computer exam.
Actually quite nervous to me about these exams
cause it can be die or alive in the calculus exam.
But after sat for the calculus exam,
I have a smile,
I can't say that the calculus exam was easy,
but at least I can do most of the question,
just a bit not confirm the answer.
Hope I can get a better result.
And I have realised that I was interested in maths already.
What a crazy thing.

After the calculus exam I need to be nervous again.
Because I not sure whether I have study the computer or not.
I have go through all the chapters,
but I look like don't know what they said.
And you know that the objective part just have 40 marks
while the subjective part has 60marks.
Oh,if my subjective die then this paper die la..
Lucikly,I know how to answer the question
just forget some of the key words,
I was satisfied about that at least I won't fail it.

One more day to go..
The last subject--Physic,the worst in all my subject.
I don't know why I always failed this subject
although I have take a long time to understand it.
Haih,don't bother it.

Yeah,tomorrow maybe go out with my babes,
can have our happy hours already.

That's all from Shiaanx.

1 comment:

  1. Me seem confident?still ok la.But o after the result came out must not what I think.wait result out ba.
