this few days i very busy nehx
busy do this busy do that
no resting
and i feel that i got some lazy already
bad girl la
~ 新春庙会~
that day not school
just went there for nothing
my school got things to sold
but got some expensive lu
i just spent RM3 for eating only
no $ already nehx
at night
i went pasar malam near my house with my family
i went there for a walk and relax
new year is coming soon
went there to buy things to decorating house
nothing to buy
all not nice for me
today bao shen sees me
he says me 180 change
got ma?
don't know leh
i think got gua
i just know i 've cut a coconut hair
and change a good student style
today got people come my house to paint
so i just stay at home today
and i watch television whole day
eye tired
then i go do all the house work
tired again
i become old already
many friend say me become more thin and weak
why become like that?
no answer
hope can fat a bit la.
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