Woke up in the morning today and I realized there was swelling on my neck when I touch my neck
It is so pain when I touch it
And it was a BIG SWELLING!
Pain pain pain pain pain
I don't know why would the swelling be there.
Hope it can recover faster!
I attended English courses today in three and a half hour.
My eyes were very tired and going to close when saw those small words
Tired again!
Yeah.I have watched 2012 today.
The movie was too long for me and my eyes were very heavy and need to close already.Haha.
Today I stay at home whole day.
Do nothing at all just sat on the sofa and watch movie whole day.
It's quite bored actually.But other than that what else can I do?
Maybe is sleeping.Haha.
The movie was too long for me and my eyes were very heavy and need to close already.Haha.
Today I stay at home whole day.
Do nothing at all just sat on the sofa and watch movie whole day.
It's quite bored actually.But other than that what else can I do?
Maybe is sleeping.Haha.
This is what holiday?
Nothing to do at all during this holidays.
Don't know..
I just know I'm tired..
Nothing to do at all during this holidays.
Don't know..
I just know I'm tired..
Wow...My primary teacher came my dad shop to buy things leh.
Surprise when saw her.
She din't change.Still looks young.
My primary friends,do you all miss her?
I also miss her actually.
Fews year din't see her already.
And we all too busy so didn't have time to back school.
Our gathering held at which day?What's the result?sms me let me know oh^^
Surprise when saw her.
She din't change.Still looks young.
My primary friends,do you all miss her?
I also miss her actually.
Fews year din't see her already.
And we all too busy so didn't have time to back school.
Our gathering held at which day?What's the result?sms me let me know oh^^
Went to eat dim sum..
I went to eat dim sum in the morning at Bukit Bintang there.
It's so delicious and there have many kinds of dim sum to choose and eat.
after that we walked to Times Square for a while and I saw Pei Wern there with her little brother,I think so.
She is wearing a heel wow.Dare to wear.
Actually I have bored to go there
I don't want to go there already.
It's too bored.I have go there for many times not is every Sunday I also went there.
I don't want...I don't want to go there already.
Haiz.Give mosquito bite at face just now!HAIZ.ugly ugly.
It's so delicious and there have many kinds of dim sum to choose and eat.
after that we walked to Times Square for a while and I saw Pei Wern there with her little brother,I think so.
She is wearing a heel wow.Dare to wear.
Actually I have bored to go there
I don't want to go there already.
It's too bored.I have go there for many times not is every Sunday I also went there.
I don't want...I don't want to go there already.
Haiz.Give mosquito bite at face just now!HAIZ.ugly ugly.
I want...
I want to become fatter because I am too thin
I want to become taller because I am not satisfied with my height
I want to become more clever because I am too stupid
I want to travel all around the world to know more friends of different country
I want to work hard to earn many $$.
This is what I want!
I want to become taller because I am not satisfied with my height
I want to become more clever because I am too stupid
I want to travel all around the world to know more friends of different country
I want to work hard to earn many $$.
This is what I want!
Tml is Ming Ci's birthday lu...Will her family celebrate her birthday with her?Buy a cake for her?I don't know.
But I need to say that I have celebrated with her.^^Yeah!
And I want to wish Chern Earn...and also Michael Lim...
Yeah.You know guys?It's pink colour.So sweet.
So happy...
♥Ci & M3♥
I was so proud that I have met a very nice person.
The person is a girl and she is always besides me.
She was the first person that I met when I first entered chong hwa.HAHA.
How we know each other?
I remembered that time we were cleaning our class and we just stand in front of each other then we started chating and known eah other.
After that we always together,whenever eating or what.
Until now,we are still best friend.
Yeah.Proud of it^^
Remember this photo?
We were at the exhibition that organised by school.
We were facing a mirror only.But they have many image.
If you learnt physic you will know why.
Take a photo with her when we went to Pavillion together.
Yeah.We are best friend~
We were in front of the christmas tree.Dada.
Just now Khim Jun asked me see this.It's about my horoscope.
Sources from http://www.yaruyu.com
理想主义、讽刺、忠诚 。
Changed Blog Skin
Changed my blog skin again.
Why I want to change my blog skin?
1. I'm too bored with my previous blog skin so I change a new one.
2. Change some blog skin without pink.
This is why I changed my blog skin...lame answer
Why I want to change my blog skin?
1. I'm too bored with my previous blog skin so I change a new one.
2. Change some blog skin without pink.
This is why I changed my blog skin...lame answer
♥Nice dinner
Went to A Wet Thai Food restaurant@Taman Segar just now with a salesman and my family.
We having our dinner there.
I ♥ the atmosphere there,dime light with delicious food.
The food there was very nice.
We have ordered a BBQ saba fish, a tomyam soup and a grilled pork.
It's delicious.I ♥ the tomyam soup most.
You know I eat 2 plate of rice when I have tomyam soup.
Yummy yummy
We having our dinner there.
I ♥ the atmosphere there,dime light with delicious food.
The food there was very nice.
We have ordered a BBQ saba fish, a tomyam soup and a grilled pork.
It's delicious.I ♥ the tomyam soup most.
You know I eat 2 plate of rice when I have tomyam soup.
Yummy yummy
This photo look blur but I ♥ it.
Last Day Of School
My dear form teacher.
Today was the last day went to school.
Wanted to take result.~
Those are the photos I taken while waiting for my results..
Qi & Shiaan
MING CI's Birthday Celebration

Went to Pavillion and Times Square with Qi and Ci on 15/11 to celebrate MING CI's Birthday.
At first we have decided to celebrate on her birthday that day but she said she wants to work on that day so we decided to celebrate her birthday earlier, that's on 15/11.
We met at Pavillion in the afternoon.
And we wants to go to watch the latest movie, 2012.
But the tickets of 2012 were SOLD OUT.
Then we decided to go to Old Town to eat the cakes that Qi bought for us.
The Old Town service was bad.
We had sit for a long time but no one serves us.Haiz.
Qi take this photos for us.Our small cake~
Then we realised that Pizza Hut is at the back of us and Ci said she have brought the nie Pizza voucher and we went into it to celebrate lu. After celebrted, we walked to Times Square. Tiring~ We went there and shops for hours.
P/S: Happy but tired day!
Life after final exam...
arrh...I am going to have a trigo+algebra exam on saturday means tomorrow.Why?Because we haven't learn finish our algebra and trigo.So we are going to have a exam on saturday.So bad.We have 10 periods a day and we have 5 or more maths period a day!It's crazy.Just because want to exam.Haih.Those maths question make me so confused.I'm thinking hard each question to think the ways to solve it.So confused.I don't know how to having exam tomorrow....
Times square
Ring..Ring..After having my breakfast, I have received a call from my a yi. She told me that Metrojaya@Times Square wanted to close already and today was the last day. She asked me to come over there and see cause Metrojaya have many discount. So I went there after the call. When I arrived there, I saw many people there because today Times Square having many event.Then I find my a yi straightly. She was buying necklace and shirt. Wow,she told me that she had came here 3 days already to buy all those discount thing.==speechless~After accompany her buying thing then I saw the Sin Chew Jit Poh's competition.But I not finished saw it.After that I went to see 舞极限 and I saw 颜微恩.She was so thin like me..Haha.Later I went Vivo to have dinner.This was the second time I went there to eat.It's very nice and delicious just their service got some bad.Forgive it.^^

I have no school today because of the graduation of Form 3 & 6 students.So free today.Nothing to do all the day.My dear Ci went Pavilion to find some jobs to work. And she will go Pavilion and work on Monday.Yeah,I can celebrate my dear Ci on her birthday lu..Very happy...And I am going to planning something...Haha...Shhh..It's secret~
My blog visitors have increases!Yea.A good news.Although not as many as other,I need to compare to myself.Yesterday my visitors have 10 and today my visitors have 44!Gambateh,SHIAANX~
I have updated my album.
Click to see it lu
Yea.I have contact some of my 6J friends today and I keep chatting and replying them.I was very happy when I contact with them.Happy.They still no forgot me.Yeah~Gambateh lu 6J class friends!
Yea.I have contact some of my 6J friends today and I keep chatting and replying them.I was very happy when I contact with them.Happy.They still no forgot me.Yeah~Gambateh lu 6J class friends!
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